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I began this latest blog post on Nov. 5.

Popped in a pic of my lil guy, Ollie, modeling his Halloween costume. (Well, for about 4 seconds anyway in my cousin's arms.)

Then, I wrote the following line before saving it as a draft and heading outside to revel in our sunny 70 degree day. Life seems to be getting darker and crazier, doesn't it?

I kept meaning to return to the post to add a few upbeat lines about remembering to always seek out wonders and whimsy when life seemed dark. Or when the going got tough. But our gloriously warm, sunny weather prevailed 'midst a riotous backdrop of fall color, so frankly, I got distracted.


How different and even darker the world looks now amidst the backdrop of the violent terror attacks in Paris and Lebanon.

And snow's suddenly banished our seasonable warmth today by whirlin' and swirlin' in fiercest winds.

Good time to pause and reflect - with a new level of poignancy and urgency to my earlier call.

The world has grown exponentially darker and crazier the past week or so.

And yet, astonishing acts of kindness and bravery have been glimpsed among the moments of death and devastation in Paris. Words of love spoken as one woman thought she was about to be gunned down at the concert. A man throwing himself atop a friend to save her life as he lost his own life in one of the cafes. The life-saving rescue of a woman precariously hanging from a balcony outside the club. Not to mention the unrecorded moments, I can only imagine all the anonymous hands reaching out. Hands clutching other hands - whether trying to sustain life or to comfort as a life faded away.

On Facebook, a post of the twinkling Eiffel Tower with text gently reminded all of us of Mr. Roger's never-ending gifts to us:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

Yes, the world has grown darker and crazier since I began this post. But amazing lights have been lit. People around the world have come together with positive determination, resolve, and a greater love for one another. Hope lives.

In this season of appreciation and thanks, we may need to be even more grateful for all the goodness that still reigns in the world. We may need to share positive, inspiring words we've heard from a loved one, teacher, religious leader or song. We may need to lay flowers or light a candle in memory. We may need each of these gestures.

And yes, maybe we even need to make time to giggle at Ollie's silly lil Halloween costume... Sometimes we need that whimsy more than ever...

Photo of Ollie by Linda Sorenson

Linda Sorenson helps people, projects, and causes make a positive impact. As a writer, editor, and consultant, she draws on her unique global experiences at pivotal moments in time to make a joyful difference through all she creates. Puppets, songs, and active fun of her Organic Puppet Theatre: Health Activities Book workshops, shows, camps, etc. have helped 20,000+ young children value their bodies and get healthier and more active around the world Learn more at her website and then connect with her. Take flight together today!

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