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What's My Why?

  • WHY am I passionate about enhancing and transforming kids' lives?

  • WHY do I dream of innovative, lasting ways to help kids thrive - despite odds too many kids and families face today?


YOU champion kids every day - and I can't thank you enough! You strive to make kids' lives brighter.


On many days though, bet you feel like you're swimming upstream against too strong a current. I may not be in the trenches like you great spirits - but I'M FED UP!!

Linda Sorenson looking like Hudson Hot Air Balloon Affair balloons are coming out of my head

I'm fed up with too many of our kids BEING:

  • Hurt in body, mind or spirit (with few consequences for bullies)

  • Fed way too much - or not enough - good food

  • Targeted by media/culture to follow unhealthy paths so others profit

  • Told they might be first generation not to outlive parents

  • Overscheduled - little time for pure play

  • Steered too much into the future so they don't fully embrace present


I'm fed up with too many of our kids NOT:

  • Having enough opportunities to explore natural wonders

  • Expressing themselves creatively due to shrinking budgets 

  • Being challenged/encouraged to live out potential

  • Feeling as great a connection to, or empathy with, one another

  • Encouraged to use gifts and talents to better world


You see it. Families stressed and rushed. Overwhelmed in this increasingly polarized world. Unequipped to guide kids to best selves.


Kids are bombarded too. Often hovered over. Urged to be perfect. Or often left to their own devices or allowed to fall by wayside.


Makes me frustrated, angry, and sad. How 'bout you?


So, what do I want to emerge?


And how can WE accomplish this - TOGETHER?



I want to see kids live well so they:

  • Enjoy right amount of food/drink for brains and bodies to thrive 

  • Embrace the present

  • Express innermost selves through arts

  • Revel in natural wonders

  • Live longer, healthier lives

  • Build deeper relationships and heartfelt connections with each other 

  • Know they have voice and power to make positive contributions to world

  • Feel sense of purpose - higher and greater than self


Like you, I want families to grow closer together. To love, respect, and better care for one another.


I was blessed with a loving, nurturing family. They supported my sometimes crazy dreams to write, travel the world, and work on unique global projects.


But not all kids have supportive families. My wish is for kids who need vital support to have safe, nurturing people guiding them to richer lives!


So, that's a glimpse of my WHY. . .

WHY I love kids - and envision the best for them!

And WHY I love people like you - who love and lead our kids!



I'm no marathoner or fitness nut. I make healthy minestrone soup, but also devour neighbor's homemade Christmas donuts. I'm learning - right along with the kids - to make healthier choices each day. A journey we walk side-by-side - to be more vibrant, active, caring people!


Over the years, I've seen OPT  fun change countless lives - in big and small ways. I've so appreciated warm thanks and funny stories - from Ontario Science Centre "asparagus tube" to Road to Wellness kids giggling at my "wrestling" grandma. (See stories HERE.)


I'm sure YOU recall countless ways YOU'VE made strong, positive impact on your kids' futures!



"Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present."



Much to do, right? To amplify my WHY, my new OPT skit and activities empower one head and heart at a time. Urging kids to live with gusto - body, mind, and spirit!


You're path finders and lamplighters.


Join our OPT journey - with your unique imprint!


Starting today, let's lead ALL our kids down brighter paths to:

  • Discover and share more of their innate gifts

  • Build more loving relationships

  • Add even more positive light to this world!


So, that's MY impassioned WHY!

WHY I'm eager to create more connections and share even MORE ways to enhance young lives!



Contact me to explore fun OPT team or partnership possibility!



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