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What a joyful, life-affirming OPT journey!


Thousands of eager kids have learned to lovingly VALUE and CARE for their bodies.


Around the world. One child to a whole roomful at a time!

  • AL and VEOLI, lively LUNGS, taught kids to enjoy life-long activity and not smoke

  • Grinning STOMACH helped reluctant hospitalized child eat after organ transplant

  • Thoughtful BRAIN urged St. Paul, MN 3rd graders to make good choices at 10 years

       of Road to Wellness Health Fairs


From adult anti-smoking show at Rochester, MN's Mayo Medical Museum to Science

Museum of MN teacher classes. Then out into world!  Terry and I were always about

starting kids out right in life!


Kids have made OPT puppets - in many countries! Look at them - and their own bodies -

as friends. Puppet wisdom - woven with active fun! Building healthy daily habits -

with families, friends, and classmates - for LIFE!


Come along. See changed lives in memorable OPT experiences below!





Why do leaders love OPT? They can empower one child who then empowers a whole family to get healthier!


  • A NC teacher wrote her former students were so inspired by OPT fun that they're going to

      medical school! (Joann's testimonial review  HERE.)


  • At U of MN Hospital, Terry and I made puppets with kids. One boy was reluctant to eat

       after his transplant, but making happy Stomach puppet helped him value his stomach.

       He soon started eating! Saw body thru fresh eyes -  with puppets and open heart.


  • Hundreds of K - 5th grade kids at Twin Cities churches learned how wonderfully

       their bodies were made. Puppets, Bible verses, and faith were in action at Summer

       Sunday School and day camps. CONTACT me for more info. 


ONE ripple of good health - for ONE child - impacts generations to come!





What fun sharing loving guidance with 17,000 kids at hundreds of interactive

OPT shows over 10 years of Road to Wellness Health Fairs. Exuberant, multicultural

St. Paul 3rd graders became puppeteers and audiences in 9-minute OPT shows.


Each OPT show engaged kids to the hilt! I'd question and challenge them at every

turn. Then, we'd choose better habits while exploring questions like:


  • What do they love to do? (Hobbies, sports, fun, etc.)

  • What do they like to eat/drink?

  • What do they want to be - and do - when they grow up?

  • How do they stay active?

  • How do they treat people different from them?

  • How can they give back to others?





  • Loved using my grandma as an example. I'd ask kids what she could do well into her 90s

      for exercise. Something that started with "W." I envisioned "walking," but one rascal leaped

      up to exclaim,"WRESTLE!"


  • Eyes brightened when kids held puppets. Or raised hands to be be puppeteers. Teachers thrilled

       to see quietest kids volunteer. Something magical about puppets that kids identify with so easily.


  • After one show, a tiny Hmong girl pointed to my nametag, whispering, "I like your name." I looked

       looked at hers and replied, "And I like your name, Bao." Her sweet face lit up. Could have powered

       a city. (I  was shy too and know value of feeling seen and uplifted.)


  • Boldness emerged when I'd demand puppets act smart. Beyond pledging not to smoke, one boy

       announced, "I'm gonna flush dad's cigarettes down the TOILET so he won't smoke!" Oh, boy!


  • At each show, I asked kids' future dreams. Violet, 3rd grade girl and twin of Fuschia (who, yes,

       were wearing purple) announced, "I'm going to be a PALEONTOLOGIST - in ARGENTINA!" Bet

       she'll live it - or one just as meaningful!




From humble MN beginnings, who'd have imagined OPT  puppets would touch kids and adults - around

U.S. and world? A Reunion Island teacher, community leader in Peru, Slovenian doc, and kids from many

countries at Yemen's Int'l School. Just a few who opted for OPT  fun. Book translates beautifully to any country!

I've been moved by lovely stories from leaders who've used OPT puppets in many settings:


  • After making Stomach puppet at Canada’s Ontario Science Centre, a leader asked kids the tube's

       name connecting mouth and stomach. One immediately piped up: "ASPARAGUS  tube!”


  • Older kids - from 22 different countries - at high-security International School in The Hague

       (Netherlands) were a hoot. One boy displayed studded, leather wrist bands he'd drawn

       on his frog-in-the-throat Teeth puppet!


  • A Peace Corps worker in Ecuador had no baggies in her mountain village so Beth simply taped

      OPT puppets to kids' clothes. They shrieked with glee, vying to be grinning Stomachs!


  • I always included health posters from my trips. One boy's mouth flew open when he saw some

       from his native Russia. In one poster, a skeletal hand offered poppies (symbolizing drugs)

       to a healthy hand. Graphic message in Cyrillic: Drugs=Suicide!


       French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Portugese. Viva OPT! Sante!






























After school workshop featuring all the puppets in The Organic puppet Theatre by Linda Sorenson freelance writer and editor

Keep challenging kids & families ! 

Send possibility-filled ripples into world.



Allegra wasn't at all happy when she had to toss lotsa black paper bits (simulating tars and nicotines from smoking) into the beautiful, pink Organic Puppet Theatre Lungs puppet she'd just colored and reated. From front page of Roseville-Falcon Heights Focus newspaper.

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